- Nathan Mayer Rothchild
Launched in May 2010, the Matador Group financial blog got off to a roaring start analyzing a range of market topics in times of economic instability. We’ve completed a number single stock analysis pieces, along with a range of broader macro predictions. During this time the S&P has risen a great deal, but not at the pace of our picks. With that being said, we’ve recently begun publishing our articles exclusively on SeekingAlpha.com and they have generally been well received. You can review our stock picks in the tabs above with information on their performance since the publication date.
In September we added two new members to form the Matador Group’s investment fund. The objective of our organization is long term capital appreciation with limited risk. At the time of conception market fluctuations were prevalent and a looming fear of a double dip recession existed. This fear continues to stir around the market, and purchases must take this into consideration. Therefore, we decided to open positions in several strong dividend paying stocks, rather than chasing growth opportunities right out of the gate. We searched for companies with a strong history of being able to control their cash flows. In this regard, we cannot openly disclose our positions, but we can say that as of right now we are long cigarettes and junk bonds, among other things. Additionally, we were able to take advantage of some micro dips and make short term plays for marginal gains.
We’ve used this first quarter mainly as an opportunity to determine how to operate our fund and take care of the little things involved in the process, i.e. banking, taxes, and accounting. Going forward we will continue to write market commentary, providing solid stock analysis, in addition to running our fund. Currently, our investment fund receives monthly contribution from its four members so our purchases will be somewhat limited until cash accumulates, but rest assured that there are gains to be had out there and we will find them.